Make a Difference

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it's not.”

-Dr. Seuss


Sponsor a Child's Medical Treatment

Because at risk communities in Bangalore often come from other states in India for jobs and opportunities, they do not qualify for Karnataka programs for reduced medical care for those living below the poverty level. Even if they do qualify, having surgery or treatment in a safe hospital is out of the realm of possibility for many. With your support, appropriate medical care is within reach. 

Please check for the most up-to-date medical treatment cases.

To make a donation, please email

Sponsor Links Charitable Trust Preschool

If you have any school materials you would like to donate or want to become a sponsor, please email us at

Some of the expenses Links needs sponsorship for can be found here.

To make a donation, please email


To become involved as a volunteer, to lead a fundraising event, or just to say hello, please email

If you're an NGO or a governmental agency who wants to collaborate, Links would love to hear from you!